Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Some days are just crappier then others

I get home last night and notice my dog, Amber, who was already limping do to her high Lyme disease levels had developed an odd squishy bubble on the edge of her left ear.  Awesome I know!
After a sleepless night on the floor with her I get up for work and call the vet office to ask about it. Turns out it is more then likely a hematoma, a collection of blood outside of the blood vessel. It is apparently common in dogs, especially if they have itchy ears or an ear infection and shake their head a lot. None, in which she has had lately. The front desk tells me 99% of the time surgery is required.
YEP S U R G E R Y. WTF?!?!?!?! So on top of the crappy nights sleep and ALL the other unspoken stress I already have
I now have this.
This isn't a picture of the moose's ear but it gives you an idea of what it looks like.  Hers is more toward the edge of the ear and is not nearly as full as this one but nonetheless she has one.  She goes today at 4:30pm to see the vet and I can promise you she will NOT be pleased if she has to have surgery.
Ugh the joys of being a responsible pet owner.  Keep your fingers crossed that I get some good news.  
I could use a change in pace.