Saturday, September 11, 2010

Hair: To Go Short or To Stay Long? That is the Question.

With the new season among us I get the urge to change my look.  I feel the easiest way to accomplish this is to get a new hair style.  I have always had long dirty blonde highlighted hair with the exception of the 2 times I cut it neck length and dyed it brown.  Both times  that it was dyed and cut I hated it, but I think I have figured out what I had been doing wrong.

The Problem:  I was doing too much at one time.  I was dying it AND cutting it at the same time.  Creating 2 very drastic changes making me regret both decisions.

The Solution:  I think the key to a new look is concentrating on doing just 1 thing different instead of doing multiple things.


The Options:  Either dye my hair a new color and keep it at it's present length, which is slightly longer than mid way down my back, OR cut my hair and keep my current hair color, which is dirty blonde with blonde highlights.


The nice thing about hair is it grows back.  If I cut it and miss having long hair I can always get extensions, there are so many new versions of extensions from snap-ins to taped on.  Making a decision is the hardest part.  I am up for any suggestions.  I have posted some of the styles I am thinking about doing, hopefully I go through with it and not bitch out like I did last time.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Dunkin Donuts for Breakfast

My husband can be the sweetest guy ever when he wants to be.  This morning he had to run out and do an errand before I was out of bed.  When he came home he made me breakfast in bed.  He had bought a coffee colada and 6 donuts, 3 vanilla iced with jimmies (rainbow sprinkles) and 3 chocolate frosted with jimmies.  He came in and placed the box on the comforter and said "I got you breakfast." and with a tone of accomplishment he then said "And they're all sprinkles!" because he knows how much I heart rainbow jimmies.  This little thing made my day.

After eating breakfast I got ready for a day of shopping at the outlet mall (Philadelphia Premium Outlets) with my parents, aunt and 2 cousins.  While getting dressed I realized that it was my favorite time of the year, BOOT SEASON!  I pulled out my skinny jeans from their summer hibernation and threw on my dark brown knee high boots with my white lace trimmed tank top and my cap sleeve brown sweater.  

We had lunch at the dinner with my hubby then went on a 6 hour shopping spree.  All I managed to get out of the full 6 hours were 2 more lace trimmed tank tops, 2 fall colored tub tops, a thing to make hamburger patties so I no longer have to touch the raw meat, Apricot Scrub and trash bags.   

Now I am home with my girls (my 2 dogs) and the hubby watching the Philadelphia Phillies game.  The perfecting ending to my perfect day.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The History of My Grandmother's Earrings

Well this is my first blog so here it goes!

As from my page title and URL you can probably assume I am very close with my grandparents, this is in fact a very true statement. From birth to the age of 10 I pretty much lived with my father's parents. My parent's both worked 9am-5pm jobs so my extraordinary grandparents offered to watch my older sister and I while our parents were busy making the pennies.

Our typical school day consisted of waking up in our row home in Olney and getting dressed for school. My mom would then pack us into the car and drive us to our grandparent's house in Cheltenham. Every day our grandmother feed us breakfast (side note: we weren't allowed to have sugary cereals because lets face it, what senior adult wants 2 sugar high kids running around their house?).

We always knew it was time for school when our grandfather walked down from the second floor. He would eat his breakfast and my grandmother would sit and wait until he was done then clear his plates. He would put us in the car and drive us to our private school around the corner from their house. Every day after school he was there waiting for us, the man was never late. He would bring us back to their house and my grandmother would feed us all dinner and we would wait for our mom to pick us up to do it all over again the next day.

Summers were very similar only there was no school. We got to play dress-up, make-believe, and go swimming. They were always willing to play with us no matter what the game was. Whether it be beauty shop, restaurant, cards, or board games they always played with a smile on their faces.

When I turned 10 our family had moved to Cheltenham as well. My sister and I became latch key kids. We no longer need a babysitter and we were able to take care of each other. So gradually we saw our grandparents less and less even though we were only 10 minutes apart now, this is perhaps my biggest regret.

Fast forward to high school - Summer 2001. My grandmother was admitted to the emergency room for not feeling well. She was diabetic and had had some joint pain so she took Alieve to ease it. Apparently Alieve is a blood thinner, she was already on blood thinner medication and they needed to perform a blood transfusion. Something so simple turned into something so complicated. I remember the last time I saw her it was in the hospital, she was disoriented and not making any sense. I told her I loved her and never went back; I couldn't handle seeing her like that. She died a few days later.

My grandfather did OK for a while but he started to fall apart after about year. He became more and more clumsy and got hurt a lot from falling. Summer 2003 he was admitted to the hospital after a fall. He too became disoriented and would try to pull out his IVs so he could leave. The hospital sedated him to prevent him from hurting himself. The final time I went to see him he was comatose, I was alone with him and cried and begged him not to let go. He died a few days after that.

It has been a few years since their passing and I am still grieving. I am not sure I will ever be able to speak about them without crying or getting choked up.

Fast forward to 2007 - I am engaged to be married and wanted to incorporate something from them in my wedding. I wanted to wear her wedding gown but she was shorter then me and the dress was not preserved and the seamstress feared the material would break down if she tried to manufacture the dress I wanted out of it. I was very upset but went on to find the dress of my dreams.

A few months before my wedding I was visited my aunts who still live in the house that belonged to my grandparents. They were going through things and I stumbled upon a pair of my grandmother's earrings. I asked if I could keep them for the wedding. I had them polished and cleaned with my engagement and wore them the day I said "I do".

The earrings have a safe place in my jewelry box and my heart reminding me constantly of the love a grandchild can have for her grandparents.