Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The True Meaning of "A Dizzy Bitch"

The term "Dizzy Bitch" is used to describe a ditsy girl.  This morning when I woke up to my alarm clock I learned the true meaning behind 'dizzy bitch'.

I woke up to my alarm clock at 5:30am (Yeah I know that is super duper early <insert sad face>).  Just another normal start to my day until I open my eyes and see my entire bedroom spinning around me.  Now had I been drunk this feeling would be expected, but this should never happen completely sober.  I closed my eyes super hard thinking the spinning feeling would stop but it didn't I open my eyes and grab Jimmy's hip because I felt like I was going to fall off the bed.  I try to lay back down but the room kept spinning so I told Jim I wasn't feeling right and that I was dizzy.  I decide to get up and walk it off so I went into the kitchen to get something to drink.  I walked into the wall, TV stand, dog, bed and door jam on my way to the kitchen.  I had no balance which scared me even more since I, and my Wii fitness yoga instructor consider me a fairly well balanced person.

OK so let's review.  Room Spinning + No Balance + Urge to Vomit = PANIC!  I go back in the room the best I can avoiding most objects.  I lay back in bed and tell Jim that I am afraid to close my eyes because it'll happen again.  I am now experiencing nausea from the feeling spinning and was throwing up in my mouth.  I ask Jim to hold me because I was afraid of falling off the bed, he was acting as a seat belt kinda.  I manage to calm myself down and drift back to sleep 20 minutes later.  But as soon as I turned on to my side BAM! the room was spinning again. 

I get out of bed and get dressed and made my way to the car.  I made it safely to work and since I was still shook up about what happen I called the doctor, after I googled vertigo of course.  I saw the doctor this afternoon and I should be fine. I am experiencing vertigo from fluid build up in my left ear.  I'll be on vertigo medicine for a week or so and have a nasal spray to dry  up my sinuses.  I'm not suppose to be driving so Jim requested that I stay with my parents for the evening.  Hopefully the worst is over in 3-5 days I should be feeling better.

Cherry Design Tattoo

cherry tattoo

Cherry Tattoo.
bow and cherry tattoo

cherry blossom tattoo

Cherry Blossom Tattoo

cherry skull tattoo

Cherry Skulls tattoo.

cherry foot tattoo

Cherry Foot

cherry tattoo

Cherry Tattoo picture. tattoo.

Buddhism Design Tattoo

buddhist tattoo

Large Buddhist back tattoo.

buddhist buddha tattoo

Buddhist tattoo of the Buddha sitting on a lotus flower.

buddha tattoo

Buddha arm tattoo.
buddha belly tattoo

buddhist deity tattoo

Buddhist Deity tattoo.
buddhist mantra tattoo

Lotus flower and Buddhist mantra tattoo

Sun Tattoo design

yellow sun tattoo

Yellow sun tattoo.

orange sun tattoo

peace sign sun tattoo

sun and moon tattoo

Sun and moon tattoo.
sun moon tattoo 2

sun moon tattoo 3

Sun rise tattoo.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fairi Tattoo

fairy moon tattoo

evil fairy tattoo

Evil fairy tattoo.

fairy and lotus tattoo

color fairy tattoo

small fairy tattoo

tinkerbelle fairy tattoo

Tinkerbelle fairy tattoo.

Clover Tattoo

tribal four leaf clover tattoo

4 leaf clover tattoo

4 leaf clover tattoo.

four leaf clover tattoo

Four leaf clover tattoo with initials.

four leaf clover tattoo

clover and flower tattoo

flaming clover tattoo

Flaming fiery clover tattoo.

Car Tattoo

hot rod tattoo
Monster Hot Rod Metallica tattoo.

mustang car tattoo

Mustang car ankle tattoo.

pinup mechanic tattoo

Pinup car mechanic tattoo.
automobile back tattoo

Automobile themed b
ack tattoo

car engine tattoo

Car Engine Tattoo.

hot wheels tattoo

Hot Wheels Car tattoo.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Weekend BLAST!

I had an awesome weekend in Virginia.  The 9 hour(ish) round trip was completely worth it.  Below is the weekend breakdown:

Thursday Night:  Packed and played Super Nintendo (yeah I still got one of those).

Friday:  I slept way longer then intended this morning.  I woke up at 10:45 am!  That is a record for me.  My husband and I got dressed and went to Moe's Hotdog House on Washington Avenue in South Philadelphia.  I had the fried flounder with fries and Jimmy had the cheese steak hoagie with onion rings and a strawberry milkshake.  It was delicious!!!!  I highly recommend getting lunch or breakfast there.  I got an oil change at the quick lube and went home to clean my windshields and windows since my dogs have managed to muck them up with their wet noses and drool. 

I played Yoshi's Island for a bit and Jimmy got ready to go to work for a delivery.  I packed up my itty bitty bag and started dinner.  My brother-in-law dropped my big sister off and we ate the yummy pan-fried chicken with mixed vegetables and white rice that I whipped up in 30 minutes :)  Then we packed the car and headed on down around 7 pm.  We arrived at our destination 276 miles later just over 4-1/2 hours.  We hung out with my best friend in the universe Heather and her awesome husband who brought home mozzarella fries for us(YUM!).  We watched Discovery Health (100 Orgasms, The Woman with 15 Personalities, and a few episodes of Mystery Diagnosis).  We were up until roughly 3 am watching these odd shows.

Saturday:  I woke up around 7 am when I heard my cousin's great dane moving around in the bedroom down the hall (he is a giant lovable friendly beast).  She had to take him out to do his business so he walked over to say good morning.  We actually got up and started moving around 10 am. 

He is HUGE!!!!!!

We texted our other cousin Jessica (Heart on Homestead) to come over and hang out.  Of course she shows up showered with make-up done and hair done as we all sat there like slobs because we hadn't really moved to far from the couch.  We started the shower train, one in one out, one in one out, one in one out and we were ready to go!  We dropped off my Slumber Party equipment at the 3020 and went to lunch at Chili's.  The bacon cheese burger was kickass and I was ridiculously full.  We popped over to Kohl's for some shopping and left with 1 pair of black tights.  We made it back tot he 3020 in time to set up for the soultry girls night out.  They had an astounding number of ladies show up, the head count was somewhere between 35 and 42.  It was an extremely successfull party and I think the ladies all had a blast.  We made it back to Heather's house after mindnight completely drained of energy and headed straight for bed.

Sunday:  We woke up realatively early given the late night, 9:30 am.  We decided the 4 of us (my sister, our 2 coucins and myself) would go out to breakfast so we ended up at the Cracker Barrell.  It was my first trip the this resturant and probably my last, damn my pickey eating.  But we had a great time laughing and talking about whatever random things that came to our minds.  The worse part of the trip was leaving :(  We all hate that we never to see each other on a daily basis so we have come to the decision that every 3 months we will make the trip the other ones house <insert overwhelming happy face!>.  I can't wait for the next visit/trip!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Diet is Dead but My Hair Looks Great!

Well the diet didn't even last a week.  What can I say?  I like to eat what I want when I want it.  Not to mention I had the dumb idea to start dieting during the week before my period, can you say "P.M.S."?   Ugh!  I am still doing my exercises though and I am conscious as to what I am eating now which is a good thing.

With that being said lets move on to my hair!  I cut off about 6-8 inches of my hair last night.  The cut is simple and cute.  I didn't want to go to short with it since I feel like short hair makes me look like a mom.  I got side swept bangs and my girlfriend that did it is going to trim it every 3 months for me (I LOVE HER!).  Next stop getting it colored.  She made me promise not to buy boxed color rather then me effing it up.  I forgot to wear make-up yesterday so I look like a monster in the before and afters.  I'll upload the pictures once I get them from her :)

Also if you live near the Philadelphia area and are interested in getting your hair done this is where Kim works: She is amazing and is always happy to meet new clients.  They are a bit more expensive then most places but if you want the best you gotta pay for it.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Diet Disaster!

Well so far "dieting" has sucked.  I had an epic fail on Monday, day 1 of the altered South Beach Diet I decided to try.  I caved around 6 pm at my parents house and ate 2 red velvet cupcakes and a brownie :(  No. Self. Control.

After failing miserably and having my parents observe my failure my mom offered me her Weight Watchers books so I could try the point system.  Yesterday went much better.  I made a fried egg at work and ate a slice of bread with some jelly for breakfast, then had vegetable soup for lunch and a small small small serving of spaghetti with some parmesan cheese for dinner.  I didn't feel deprived of food since I can eat things that are zero points if hungry and I don't have to deprive myself of sugar, alcohol or bread/pasta/rice.

I did a lite workout last night because I was so exhausted from work.  I think my body is still trying to catch up from this past weekend.  Round 2 of the exercise program tonight, hopefully I have more energy then last night :)

Ooooh and on another note I am getting my hair done today!  FINALLY!  I hope I love it!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Hawaiian Tattoos

hawaiian surfer girl tattoo

Hawaiian surfer girl tattoo.

hawaiian tattoo

Hawaiian hibiscus and waves tattoo.

hawaiian warrior tattoo

Hawaiian warrior tattoo.

hawaiian honu tattoo

Hawaiian honu tattoo.

hawaiian style tattoo

Hawaiian style arm tattoo

Cross Tattoos Designs

iron cross tattoo

fancy christian cross tattoo

Intricately decorated Christian cross tattoo.

nail cross tattoo

Tattoo of Christian cross made of nails.

winged cross tattoo

"Only God Can Judge Me" - winged cross tattoo.

yin yang cross tattoo

Cross and yin-yang wrist tattoo

mary and cross tattoo

Full color portrait tattoo of Mary and the cross.

Girly Tattoo

girly skull tattoo

Girly skull tattoo.

winnie the pooh tattoo

Winnie the Pooh tattoo.

mushroom and butterfly tattoo

girly flower tattoo

Girly flower tattoo.

girly sugar skull tattoo

Girly sugar skull tattoo.

girly heart tattoo

Girly heart tatto