Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Diet is Dead but My Hair Looks Great!

Well the diet didn't even last a week.  What can I say?  I like to eat what I want when I want it.  Not to mention I had the dumb idea to start dieting during the week before my period, can you say "P.M.S."?   Ugh!  I am still doing my exercises though and I am conscious as to what I am eating now which is a good thing.

With that being said lets move on to my hair!  I cut off about 6-8 inches of my hair last night.  The cut is simple and cute.  I didn't want to go to short with it since I feel like short hair makes me look like a mom.  I got side swept bangs and my girlfriend that did it is going to trim it every 3 months for me (I LOVE HER!).  Next stop getting it colored.  She made me promise not to buy boxed color rather then me effing it up.  I forgot to wear make-up yesterday so I look like a monster in the before and afters.  I'll upload the pictures once I get them from her :)

Also if you live near the Philadelphia area and are interested in getting your hair done this is where Kim works: She is amazing and is always happy to meet new clients.  They are a bit more expensive then most places but if you want the best you gotta pay for it.