Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Diet Disaster!

Well so far "dieting" has sucked.  I had an epic fail on Monday, day 1 of the altered South Beach Diet I decided to try.  I caved around 6 pm at my parents house and ate 2 red velvet cupcakes and a brownie :(  No. Self. Control.

After failing miserably and having my parents observe my failure my mom offered me her Weight Watchers books so I could try the point system.  Yesterday went much better.  I made a fried egg at work and ate a slice of bread with some jelly for breakfast, then had vegetable soup for lunch and a small small small serving of spaghetti with some parmesan cheese for dinner.  I didn't feel deprived of food since I can eat things that are zero points if hungry and I don't have to deprive myself of sugar, alcohol or bread/pasta/rice.

I did a lite workout last night because I was so exhausted from work.  I think my body is still trying to catch up from this past weekend.  Round 2 of the exercise program tonight, hopefully I have more energy then last night :)

Ooooh and on another note I am getting my hair done today!  FINALLY!  I hope I love it!