Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The True Meaning of "A Dizzy Bitch"

The term "Dizzy Bitch" is used to describe a ditsy girl.  This morning when I woke up to my alarm clock I learned the true meaning behind 'dizzy bitch'.

I woke up to my alarm clock at 5:30am (Yeah I know that is super duper early <insert sad face>).  Just another normal start to my day until I open my eyes and see my entire bedroom spinning around me.  Now had I been drunk this feeling would be expected, but this should never happen completely sober.  I closed my eyes super hard thinking the spinning feeling would stop but it didn't I open my eyes and grab Jimmy's hip because I felt like I was going to fall off the bed.  I try to lay back down but the room kept spinning so I told Jim I wasn't feeling right and that I was dizzy.  I decide to get up and walk it off so I went into the kitchen to get something to drink.  I walked into the wall, TV stand, dog, bed and door jam on my way to the kitchen.  I had no balance which scared me even more since I, and my Wii fitness yoga instructor consider me a fairly well balanced person.

OK so let's review.  Room Spinning + No Balance + Urge to Vomit = PANIC!  I go back in the room the best I can avoiding most objects.  I lay back in bed and tell Jim that I am afraid to close my eyes because it'll happen again.  I am now experiencing nausea from the feeling spinning and was throwing up in my mouth.  I ask Jim to hold me because I was afraid of falling off the bed, he was acting as a seat belt kinda.  I manage to calm myself down and drift back to sleep 20 minutes later.  But as soon as I turned on to my side BAM! the room was spinning again. 

I get out of bed and get dressed and made my way to the car.  I made it safely to work and since I was still shook up about what happen I called the doctor, after I googled vertigo of course.  I saw the doctor this afternoon and I should be fine. I am experiencing vertigo from fluid build up in my left ear.  I'll be on vertigo medicine for a week or so and have a nasal spray to dry  up my sinuses.  I'm not suppose to be driving so Jim requested that I stay with my parents for the evening.  Hopefully the worst is over in 3-5 days I should be feeling better.