Saturday, September 11, 2010

Hair: To Go Short or To Stay Long? That is the Question.

With the new season among us I get the urge to change my look.  I feel the easiest way to accomplish this is to get a new hair style.  I have always had long dirty blonde highlighted hair with the exception of the 2 times I cut it neck length and dyed it brown.  Both times  that it was dyed and cut I hated it, but I think I have figured out what I had been doing wrong.

The Problem:  I was doing too much at one time.  I was dying it AND cutting it at the same time.  Creating 2 very drastic changes making me regret both decisions.

The Solution:  I think the key to a new look is concentrating on doing just 1 thing different instead of doing multiple things.


The Options:  Either dye my hair a new color and keep it at it's present length, which is slightly longer than mid way down my back, OR cut my hair and keep my current hair color, which is dirty blonde with blonde highlights.


The nice thing about hair is it grows back.  If I cut it and miss having long hair I can always get extensions, there are so many new versions of extensions from snap-ins to taped on.  Making a decision is the hardest part.  I am up for any suggestions.  I have posted some of the styles I am thinking about doing, hopefully I go through with it and not bitch out like I did last time.